Saturday, January 23, 2010

the science project #47

this episode, titled "eat the rich", (after the Motorhead song) was drawn in late january 2010. it's very dialogue heavy in the first panel, but i couldn't think of a way to do it without all that dialogue. i also couldn't figure out how i was going to really drive in the punchline "isn't that rich" and would the readers get how the joke works in 3 ways - she could be referring to her husband "richard", she could be referring to her financial status, and/or she could be referring to the gag gift. i like to think she meant it to be all three, but i doubt it. i also like how this episode can be read as how rich people are out of touch with common folks. or maybe it comments on how the overly fortunate are oblivious and insensitive since they live in their own world. or maybe it says that the bear skin rug turned out really great. i like to think it's saying all 3, but i doubt it.

the back story to this one is from all those christmas car commercials. this past december, i caught myself shaking my head at the tv because i couldn't believe someone would give someone else a car for christmas. i mean, who's got the money for something like that? i asked a friend the same question, and he replied with the obvious "rich people." including the dilapidated house in the second panel came together on the fly and tied it all together.

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