Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Dregs #49

Once again, I apologize for the delay with putting out a fresh Dregs episode. The last couple months have been busy gathering material, writing scripts, thinking of voices, taking software classes, reading books, yadda yadda yadda... all to move forward with The Dregs Animated Series. So, know that I have been busy while Sal, Peg, and Onions have been on vacation. I'll try my best to have them coming regularly.

This episode is a play on a joke that my fellow bartender zings me with whenever I say "SOMEONE'S gotta work around here, ya bum!" His response - "When that person shows up, let me know." I was in the Omar's Zing Zone (if you don't already know what that is, don't ask) and I got "zung".