Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the dregs #30

this episode was done late december 2009. like many of my joke ideas, this was an old one (i think you're probably noticing a pattern here). thankfully, the timing worked out with x-mas so that i could use a gift joke. i guess it kept on giving, as they say. enter the rim shot...

anyways, i've been really happy with the way "sal" has been looking lately. i think the look of his character, has really come into itself. if you didn't notice, this is the first episode where "sal" has a neck at all. i still want to give him that stiff look, but i think he looks better. now if i can only get "peg" down. there's something missing from her look and i don't know what it is.

merry christmas, everybody!


ps - if your first reaction to my "merry christmas" was to think "what if i don't celebrate christmas", then i take back my closing statement of holiday cheer and replace it with "maybe you should ask santa for a box of tissues, cry baby. jeeeeez. lighten up, it's christmas!"

- j -

Friday, December 18, 2009

the dregs #29

this episode was drawn in mid december 2009, otherwise known as "about 10 minutes ago". this idea was one that i had been trying to find a way to use for some time. originally, it was an SP idea, one that i thought could be delivered in a commercial style (like "i got crabs"). that idea was going to have a couple talking about how they discovered a product that made their sex lives better by making their partner more attractive. that product was going to be paper bags for their heads. still pretty funny, but using it for The Dregs just seemed to fit a little easier. regardless, i hope you like it.

the science project #43

this episode is titled "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no truth", it was drawn in mid december 2009. i had the punchline written for this episode a while ago, but i didn't have any way to use it. and so it stayed in my joke notebook in limbo (as many do) until i read a recent "red eye" (a free chicago tribune daily paper) about how the "don't snitch" mentality is really hindering chicago police investigations. at that moment, it all came together. i love it when that happens.

the science project #42

this episode, titled "hollow man", was drawn in mid december 2009. it was an old idea that my ex-girlfriend and i thought was funny a few years ago while vacationing with my family ocean city, md. i think we were joking about my crappy memory and i commented back by saying "if you put your ear to mine, you can hear the ocean" just like a sea shell, which were obviously abundant on the beach. it's funny because it's true.

Sorry for the Delay

for those who follow my comics weekly, i apologize for taking last week off. being a bartender, i've got to take the money around the holidays. this means taking more shifts, which leaves very little time to draw. but, have no fear! there will be new comics on the site tomorrow!


Friday, December 4, 2009

the dregs #28

this episode was done in early december 2009. originally, the dialogue was going to be between "peg" and another female character ("peg" asking about why this woman's boobs looked so good). i like the dialogue better this way since "peg" and "sal" get to zing each other in the same panel.

for a guy who used to draw boobs constantly when he was younger, i had the hardest time getting "peg's" right.