Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Dregs #66

Hey, everybody. I know it's been a while, but I lost about 2 month's worth of work when my girlfriend and I got a place. I should say that it was more that I lost time and space with all the packing and unpacking and moving and blah blah blah. Anyway, I feel confident that Sal, Peg (mostly Peg - in this episode at least), and Onions returned with a "bang" - pun intended. I've already got a couple other ideas for future episodes so get ready because I'm ready to pump this shit out.

The joke is a new one, trying to stay current with the hurricane and all, was initially going to have Sal list off all the places Peg got laid. I think it ends perfectly with her closing her eyes as she thinks about her experiences, which is why Peg lists her conquests and not Sal. I couldn't see it naturally ending the same way.

Anyway, it's obvious that I've lost a little of my touch here, so I'm just going to stop.

