Friday, October 12, 2012

Dregs #67

I know I've said this before about saying this before, but this episode started as something else. I had heard this great joke from a Scot at the bar I tend and I thought that would easily be the punchline for this episode. But, as I usually do, and I did (and no one ever accuses me of this - except my girlfriend), I think too much. Soon, the original idea turned into something totally different and I worked on something that was nothing like the original idea. That's not that I'm going to abandon the original idea. I still think they'd be great with the Dregs Collective (yes, they deserve caps), so I'll make sure to let you know when that happens. (Spoiler Alert) - It will start a little something like this, "In this episode..."



Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Dregs #66

Hey, everybody. I know it's been a while, but I lost about 2 month's worth of work when my girlfriend and I got a place. I should say that it was more that I lost time and space with all the packing and unpacking and moving and blah blah blah. Anyway, I feel confident that Sal, Peg (mostly Peg - in this episode at least), and Onions returned with a "bang" - pun intended. I've already got a couple other ideas for future episodes so get ready because I'm ready to pump this shit out.

The joke is a new one, trying to stay current with the hurricane and all, was initially going to have Sal list off all the places Peg got laid. I think it ends perfectly with her closing her eyes as she thinks about her experiences, which is why Peg lists her conquests and not Sal. I couldn't see it naturally ending the same way.

Anyway, it's obvious that I've lost a little of my touch here, so I'm just going to stop.



Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Dregs #65

It seems that no matter how often I promise you (and myself) that I'm going to punch out more comics on the reg, I get caught up in something else - the beach, episodes of Lost (I'm only on season 3, so don't say ANYTHING), my "real" job, other people's comics, drinks, or running (that's right, running). And yet I still believe that this shit is going to get me paid someday. Is it ironic that I just realized how American that makes me as we come up to Independence Day? I'm clever like that (or so I like to think). 

Anyway, like just about every episode I write, the "you're as deep as your belly button" line was an old joke that I was trying to find a way to work in. The rest was me, but I can't take credit for that zinger since it was said by my coworker Good James. Aaaaaaand I probably shouldn't have written that. Now he's going to want royalties if it makes any money. Of course, we all know that's going to be a huge sum of money, so hopefully I'll have spent it all sailing around with Dave Chappelle at George Clooney's place at Lake Como, Italy while doing shots off Salma Hayek and Kim K's goods, all the while throwing around ideas on how to get Dave back in the biz (I didn't push. He asked for my help, I swear!). Because that's what a cartoonist with a free web comic will be doing in a few years once people get that he's really as funny as he thinks he is.

Good thing you got in on the ground level so you can say you loved this shit back when it wasn't "cool", right?


J Dub

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Dregs #64

Hands. God, I hate drawing hands. Thank God, however, for technology. Just create the same position you want, take a picture with your IWhatever, and draw it. Pretty friggin' awesome. AND it makes me not afraid to draw them anymore, lets me practice drawing them, and keeps me from making every character stand and/or gesture with fists. I do draw a sweet fist, though. And I do love Peg's face in panel 6. The cigarette falling out of her mouth makes me laugh. Like a buddy of mine who wears a monocle (no kidding). When he get's surprised, it falls out of his eye, and it's funny every single time.



Friday, May 4, 2012

The Dregs #63

First of all, I'm happy because I was proactive enough to draw another episode the week I drew the last one. But this was an old script that I found as I was going through an old sketch book. I couldn't believe I never used it, but better late than never, right?

On a technical note, I am really happy with the way things are looking. Hands, angles, line work, etc. The only thing that I think is a little tough is the flow - going from left to right and then down to the middle row and not top then middle then right. But I don't think it'll be all that difficult to figure out. I just want it to be seamless. It's a comic strip and not meant to be difficult to read, so I hope it doesn't come off as that.



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Dregs #62

I can't believe we've made it this far! #62. Anyway, I totally stole the "you're a cab" line from my buddy, fellow bartender, and bicycle gang member (Nick) and I've been waiting a while to use it. So, yay to that.

It took me forever to do Sal's hands, but I'm really glad with the way they turned out. 

That's about it this time. Cheers.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Dregs #61

Hey, everybody. I find that I keep apologizing for not putting out cartoons on a more regular basis, so hopefully, one of these days, I might make good on that promise. But, in this episode, we see Sal getting confronted by a random customer. At first, I was going to have Sal look stunned and that was what Peg comments on, but it seemed unnatural - Sal doesn't get stunned by customers other than Peg.

All in all, I like this one, but I'm worried that the flow of panel #5 is a little awkward with the two different conversations in the same scene. The only way that I could think of not confusing people was the use of the arrow connecting panels #5 and #6. I just hope it didn't look like I gave up.



Friday, February 17, 2012

The Dregs #60

Hey, everybody. It's Friday and it's time for a new episode of the Dregs. In this episode, I was obviously poking fun at how people speak "text", saying things like "L-O-L!", or "L-M-F-A-O!" Hell, there's even a group with that latter text speak name. It's all just stupid and I mean that literally. But, before I go off on a rant on how people are becoming stupider, I really like the second panel where Onions is replying to Sal's question over his shoulder. It's a simple panel, but I like the folds in his neck skin. I think it just came out well. I did, on the other hand, have the hardest time with the last panel (#5) and how to make Sal's angle original. I think it worked out, but I erased so much and so frequently, I almost had to finish this panel on another piece of bristol board because I was starting to raise the tooth. Thankfully, it never came to that. Paper ain't cheap!



Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Dregs #59

Hey, everybody. I seem to keep apologizing to you all for not producing more comics than I have been. I'm going to continue to try to keep my promise to you all and have at least one a month. They're probably going to continue to be more adult, like this episode, so I hope you all still enjoy the "charm". I feel that these characters need to more deeply explore their vulgarity/depravity to truly speak from their stony hearts.

